Selected papers and other publications with
D. Folini
as author or co-author
3D simulations of RS Oph: from accretion to nova blast
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
, and Steven N. Shore.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters, in press, 2008.
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Aspects of Turbulence in Astrophysics
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
, and
Jean Favre
ERCOFTAC-bulletin, 70, 2006.
Invited contribution to the special issue on compressible turbulence of the European Research Community of Flows, Turbulence, and Combustion (ERCOFTAC).
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Supersonic turbulence in shock-bound interaction zones I: symmetric settings
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 459, 1-19, 2006.
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Structuring and support by Alfvèn waves around prestellar cores
Doris Folini
Jean Heyvaerts
Rolf Walder
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 414, 559-572, 2004.
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3D-hydrodynamics of colliding winds in massive binaries
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
In K.A. van der Hucht, A. Herrero & C. Esteban (eds.),
A Massive Star Odyssey, from Main Sequence to Supernova
To appear in:
IAU Symp. No. 212 (San Francisco: ASP), 2002, 7 pages.
Available also in a 680KB
gzipped Postscript file
or in 1.1MB
A new method for 3D radiative transfer with adaptive grids
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
, Michael Psarros, and Alexandere Desboeufs
Proceedings of the Workshop
Stellar Atmosphere Modeling
To appear in:
PASP conference series, 4 pages.
Available also in a 68KB
gzipped Postscript file
or in 100KB
Theoretical predictions for the cold part of the colliding wind interaction zone
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
Proceedings of the Workshop
Interacting Winds from Massive Stars
PASP conference series, 260, 605-614 (2002).
Available also in a 545KB
gzipped Postscript file
or in 334KB
Theoretical consideration of colliding clumped winds
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
Proceedings of the Workshop
Interacting Winds from Massive Stars
PASP conference series, 260, 595-603 (2002).
Available also in a 288KB
gzipped Postscript file
or in 286KB
3D hydrodynamical simulations of colliding wind binaries: theory confronts observations
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
Astrophysics and Space Scienc 274, 189--194, 2000 (Moscow conference on progress in cosmic gas-dynamics).
Available as a 251KB
gzipped Postscript file
On the stability of colliding flows: radiative shocks, thin shells, and supersonic turbulence
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
Astrophysics and Space Scienc 274, 343--352, 2000 (Moscow conference on progress in cosmic gas-dynamics).
Available as a 509KB
gzipped Postscript file
A-MAZE: A code package to compute 3D magnetic flows, 3D NLTE radiative transfer, and synthetic spectra
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
Thermal and Ionization Aspects of Flows from Hot Stars: Observations and Theory, ASP Conference Series 204,
eds. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers and A. Sapar, 281-284, 2000.
Available as a 47KB
gzipped Postscript file
Theory of thermal and ionization effects in colliding winds of WR+O binaries
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
Invited review.
Thermal and Ionization Aspects of Flows from Hot Stars: Observations and Theory, ASP Conference Series 204,
eds. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers and A. Sapar, 267-278, 2000.
Available as a 63KB
gzipped Postscript file
Complex wind dynamics and ionization structure in symbiotic binaries
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
Invited review.
Thermal and Ionization Aspects of Flows from Hot Stars: Observations and Theory, ASP Conference Series 204,
eds. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers and A. Sapar, 331-342, 2000.
Available as a 2.3MB
gzipped Postscript file
A wind accretion wake in RW Hydrae?
Thomas Dumm
Doris Folini
Harry Nussbaumer
Hansruedi Schild
Werner Schmutz
Rolf Walder
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 354, 1014--1020, 2000.
Available as a 228KB
gzipped Postscript file
Colliding winds in WR binaries:
further developments within a complicated story
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
, and Simin Motamen
in K.A. van der Hucht, G. Koenigsberger, P.R.J. Enenens (eds), Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies, Proc. IAU Symposium No. 193 (San Francisco: ASP), pages 298-305 (1999).
Available as a 1.22MB
gzipped Postscript file
3D non-LTE radiative transfer:
a new code and its application to gamma Velorum
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
, and Simin Motamen
in K.A. van der Hucht, G. Koenigsberger, P.R.J. Enenens (eds), Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies, Proc. IAU Symposium No. 193 (San Francisco: ASP), pages 352-353 (1999).
Available as a 100KB
gzipped Postscript file
ISO observations of CH Cyg
Hansruedi Schild
Thomas Dumm
Doris Folini
Harry Nussbaumer
, and
Werner Schmutz
in P. Cox, M. F. Kessler (eds), The Universe as Seen by ISO, ESA-SP 427, pages 397+ (1999).
Computational approaches to multidimensional radiative transfer
and the physics of radiative colliding flows
Doris Folini
PhD thesis, ETH Zurich, No. 12606 (1998)
Available as a 3.3MB
gzipped Postscript file
3D radiative transfer under conditions of non local thermodynamic equilibrium: A contribution to the numerical solution
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
in Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications
Editors: M.Fey and R.Jeltsch,
pages 305--314 (1999)
Available as a 95KB
gzipped Postscript file
Radiative Shocks, Supersonic Turbulence and Structure Formation in Space
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
in Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications
Editors: M.Fey and R.Jeltsch,
pages 973--982 (1999)
Available as a 2.7MB
gzipped Postscript file
Knots, filaments, and turbulence in radiative shocks
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
A&A, 330:L21-L24 (1998)
Available as a 47KB
gzipped Postscript file
(text only)
plus a 1.8MB
gzipped Postscript file
(figures only)
Visualization of Astrophysical Data with AVS/Express
Jean M. Favre
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
CRAY User Conference, Stuttgart (1998)
Available as a 65KB
gzipped Postscript file
The formation of knots and filaments in shocks
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hypersonic Radiative Outflows out of Thermal Equilibrium, Astrophysics and Space Science, pages 215--224 (1998)
Available as a 76KB
gzipped Postscript file
Radiative cooling instability in 1D colliding flows
Rolf Walder
Doris Folini
A&A, 315:265-283 (1996)
Available as a 378KB
gzipped Postscript file
Structure and Stability of Radiative Shock Waves
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
in Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications
Editors: J.Glimm, M.J.Graham, J.W. Grove and B.J. Plohr,
pages 313--319 (1996)
Instablities of colliding flows and the consequences for planetray nebulae
Doris Folini
Rolf Walder
in Asymetric Planetary Nebulae
Editors: A.Harpaz and N.Soker
pages 253--257 (1994)
Available as 3.9MB scanned